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The Insane Pursuit of Productivity

I'm currently on maternity leave and have taken it to begin 3 months before our little boy is born. Here in the UK, the Royal College of Obstetricians had recommended that pregnant healthcare workers stop seeing patients face-to-face at 28 weeks to minimise the risks of a pre-term birth and issues for the mother (due to covid-19). As I can't really work from home, this has meant me taking a 3-month break before bubs comes along.  Prior to starting this time off I was really concerned that I wouldn't have enough to keep me occupied. I'd looked into ideas as to how to most productively manage my time, some of which included starting a side hustle, becoming a freelancer etc. Essentially, I felt compelled to join the hordes of productivity pirates and crazed passive income side-hustlers who claim that every moment of our lives needs optimisation for us to live a full life and achieve financial independence. Even downtime needs to be diarised and calendars blocked for everyt...

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