Habit Tracking

As I'd mentioned in my previous post, I've set myself a few challenges this year. Tracking my habits and recording what I've done to keep myself busy has been one of them. I've always enjoyed keeping a journal and having started the habit of recording my daily do's, I'm not surprised that I'm enjoying tracking my habits. I am however, surprised that it's taken me so long to do this. 

I'm using a simple Google Sheets page to record my habits with a new sheet each month. The actual habits I've been tracking have changed over the months and my current entries as for the following:
  1. Running - not possible as I've an ankle injury but I'm living in hope that one day.....
  2. Swimming - still in lockdown so no swimming facilities are open
  3. Yoga - how many mins a day
  4. Cooking - the recipe name
  5. Reading - title
  6. Audiobook/podcast - title
  7. Journal - yes/no
  8. No spend - yes/no and how much; I like following no/low-buy groups/influencers as it helps me stick to my more frugal lifestyle
  9. Walking - yes/no
  10. Cups of tea/coffee - number of cups
  11. Crafts - sewing, blogging, drawing etc
  12. Meditation - how many mins a day
  13. Headache - how long it lasted, was medication needed
Some of these aren't so much habits but a useful way for me to track any important things in life that otherwise wouldn't have a place for them. Lots of people might pick a notes function on their phone or a bullet journal but I prefer having one place to record everything. This way I can check on the trends that seem to be in my life. For example, I can easily see how many days in a month I may have meditated or had a headache. This then helps me to look for clues as to cause/effect of things like my headaches. 

I like the visual way I can also see how my days are filled. Some days I fill a lot out before 9am, other days it's night-time and I've barely done anything and it's time for bed. But there's no pressure to fill the tracker, I'm at peace with the fact that some days I do more than others. But it's nice to see what I've read, listened to, cooked etc. Like these Madeleines, made with love for my fellow volunteers at the WIT with whom I've been volunteering during lockdown. 


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